How it works

How this works:

  1. First part remains the same: (d Γ— t Γ— sqrt(c)) Γ— (log₁₀(d)/20) This calculates the initial burn amount based on daily activity

  2. Second part: (T Γ— Z - CB) Γ— (1 - CB/(T Γ— Z))

  • (T Γ— Z - CB) represents remaining tokens that can be burned

  • (1 - CB/(T Γ— Z)) is a scaling factor that approaches 0 as we get closer to the cap

  • As CB approaches T Γ— Z, this part of equation naturally decreases the burn rate

  1. min[] function ensures we always take the smaller value between:

  • The activity-based burn calculation

  • The cap-adjusted maximum possible burn

Last updated